Reduced depression among patients in India
75 Indian patients with health problems for which regular medical treatment offered no help (33 different problems) were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique, and 67 of them continued to regularly practice the technique. In the long term, 61 out of 67 patients showed good results, a significant improvement or full disappearance of the problem, and 24 patients even had very good results, a very fast, dramatic or unexpected full cure. Out of the 5 patients suffering from depression, all 5 had very good results, 4 in the short term, and the 5th in the slightly longer term.Ref. Scientific Research on TM: Collected Papers vol 3, 239, pp. 1826-1829
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600 tutkimusta vahvistaa TM:n vaikutukset:
- Vähemmän stressiä
- Miten TM toimii
- Masennus
- Ahdistus
- Tunne-elämän vakaus
- Unettomuus
- Impulsiivisuus
- Traumanjälkeinen stressi
- Aivojen kehittyminen
- Miten TM toimii
- Älykkyys
- Luovuus
- Ole oma itsesi
- Menesty = ole oma itsesi
- Itsensä toteuttaminen
- Lisää itseluottamusta
- Paremmat ihmissuhteet
- Yhteiskunta
- Koulutus
- Vankilat
- Liike-elämä
- Parempi maailma