Less “pain in the chest”
The term ‘cardiac syndrome X’ is used for patients with pain in the chest (angina) and normal coronary angiogramman. Such patients often keep symptoms despite conventional anti angina medication and reassurance by their cardiologist. The pain in the chest that occurs among them often plays up during exercise but also frequently in rest; such symptoms can closely simulate unstable angina and give cause to renewed hospitalisation and new examinations. Through the twice a day practice of Transcendental Meditation for a period of three months, the occurrence of angina episodes significantly decreased, exercise tolerance increased and subjective quality of life among patients with this syndrome improved.Ref.American Journal of Cardiology 85: 653-655, 2000
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600 tutkimusta vahvistaa TM:n vaikutukset:
- Vähemmän stressiä
- Miten TM toimii
- Masennus
- Ahdistus
- Tunne-elämän vakaus
- Unettomuus
- Impulsiivisuus
- Traumanjälkeinen stressi
- Aivojen kehittyminen
- Miten TM toimii
- Älykkyys
- Luovuus
- Ole oma itsesi
- Menesty = ole oma itsesi
- Itsensä toteuttaminen
- Lisää itseluottamusta
- Paremmat ihmissuhteet
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- Liike-elämä
- Parempi maailma