Growth in Field Independence among Taiwanese students
362 Taiwanese school children were randomly divided into 4 groups, one TM group and three control groups: a group in which students were allowed a nap, a group in which students were given no special attention, and a group that practiced contemplation meditation. After 6 to twelve months the TM group showed very significant improvement on 5 different scales of intellectual capability, including Field Independence, in comparison to the 3 control groups. The difference in growth with the control groups was so great and so consistent that the probability of chance was 1 in 25 million, p=.00000004. (what is a p-value?) The TM students also showed significantly reduced stress symptoms.Ref.Intelligence 29: 419–440, 2001
Miten yksinkertainen tekniikka voi saada aikaan niin paljon?
600 tutkimusta vahvistaa TM:n vaikutukset:
- Vähemmän stressiä
- Miten TM toimii
- Masennus
- Ahdistus
- Tunne-elämän vakaus
- Unettomuus
- Impulsiivisuus
- Traumanjälkeinen stressi
- Aivojen kehittyminen
- Miten TM toimii
- Älykkyys
- Luovuus
- Ole oma itsesi
- Menesty = ole oma itsesi
- Itsensä toteuttaminen
- Lisää itseluottamusta
- Paremmat ihmissuhteet
- Yhteiskunta
- Koulutus
- Vankilat
- Liike-elämä
- Parempi maailma